Digital printing is the most favorite tools for your day to day life. We can't think of our life easy without digital print these days. It's setup cost is economical than offset print and hence you get low price. This work is done digitally, so this can be done at any quantity at point of time. This is called today's technology. We give you printing services as well as we supply such materials that you can fabricate and print yourself for your marketing.There are different printing machines for different works. So you can get your job done at any time with less effort. For your information photocopy machine is also a digital machine.
We perform following work with following machines. These are :
1. Flex printing machine 2. Laser light print machine
3. Inkjet printer 4. Sublimation Printer
5. Laser printer 6. Silk Screen Printer
7. Photocopy machine 8. Badge Printer & binder
9. Id Card Printer 10. Heat Printer
11. Hand Printing Hastakala
We have following items to you now, that can be purchased from us and can be printed by you :